News from Gelandesprung Ski Club in Green Bay, WI

  • 28 Feb 2023 6:00 PM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    February 2023 Newsletter (Click Here)

    Greetings all from an Eau Claire, Wi parking lot!

    As I wind down my term as President it’s dawning on me that this is one of my few remaining articles. Although a weird place to be punching this up today while I wait on my next appointment, the timing is perfect. I woke up this morning to a few fresh inches of fluffy POW! What a great inspiration!

    We have had great interest in our new trip this year with Scot Wederquist at the helm arranging the behind-the-scene details. That is to say, he is helping us launch a new trip to Afton Alps in Minnesota, as a mid-week trip option. We are pleased so far with the initial interest as we have enough to justify a deluxe motor coach bus, which we are moving forward with. Last I checked, there was openings, but they are filling fast. Please, to our last-minute stragglers, this is your LAST CALL! Sign up today!

    The club is attempting day trips to Brule where our first trip in January was a bust with virtually no interest. The next one will be in March where we are taking registrations and your decision TODAY is crucial to our planning.

    Our Utah trip is finalized for a week in March which so happens to fall on my birthday. Drinks will be happily accepted. For those whom have been with us; we all know one certain member who seems to have a birthday’s every darn day. Well, I’m really having one and this is not a drill.

    This will be my third time on a trip for my birthday and every time the weather and conditions have been epic, and I expect the same for this trip. I make no promises yet, if you’re at all hoping to get on this as a last-minute addition, call a trip leader today and cross your fingers!

    Well, there you have it members. Ski ya later!

  • 31 Jan 2023 6:00 PM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    January 2023 Newsletter (Click here)

    Happy New Year!                     

    I hope that you all had a safe and wonderful holiday season. I’m sure some of you faithful readers have big New Year’s Resolutions and I wish you well on that journey.   

    As the club embarks into the new year we will be passing off the leadership reigns to whomever is elected as your new President, Social Chair and Secretary. At this time, we have candidates slated for President and Social and are seeking candidates for Secretary. Please contact a Board Member with your questions and more importantly, your volunteering to run for any of the open roles.

    In March we will head to Utah for a week of skiing with a full roster. The planning has been immense with more moving parts than usual. This would not be possible without the extraordinary efforts of our West Committee. Please make it a point to thank them in person as they have truly had to work extra hard on this trip.

    For those of you seeking Midwest trip options, we are pleased to offer a few different choices from day trips to a midweek overnight trip. You are welcome to sign up today and I ask that you read this issue for more details. Registration is important to our planning, plus it tells the Board if it is a trip worth planning again. Should you still not have enough options for trips, please check out the Sly Fox Ski Club which we have a link to on our club website. 

    Ski you soon!


  • 30 Dec 2022 6:00 PM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    Happy December members!

    Hard to believe that it’s the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend. I just hung up my bow and rifle and hunting boots today. At that time, I took down my ski equipment and began looking to the season.

    First on my mind is our Holiday Celebration. Our Social Chair has arranged for another wonderful reception at The Woods and those details are available later in this issue. We do ask for your RSVP to alert the Wood’s staff as to our needs to ensure you have a great time. Please submit your reservation today.

    We do have some Midwest trip options for you which are getting only a lukewarm reception. We have planned these trips based upon having maximum participation to keep costs low and packed with value. As times are changing, we are seeing less interest in these styles of trips. If you are planning to go and appreciate these Midwest trips please let us know by signing up today. A continued lack of interest may prompt further change. More trip information is in this issue.

    We have opened the trip to Utah which, as expected, has gone over very well. At last check, just before the holiday, we were within striking distance of our maximum capacity. Those who submit registrations should get a confirmation email from our Treasurer. Frank has included information in this newsletter regarding trip insurance and other topics of interest you may find relevant to your vacation.

    Happy holidays all!

    Think SNOW!
    Ski ya! 


  • 30 Nov 2022 6:00 PM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    Good day Gelandesprungers!

    I am very pleased to share with you great, long overdue news which you have been eagerly waiting for.

    After a lot of hard work & perseverance in the 2-minute drill, we have successfully finalized our Utah trip details! Now, maybe the Packers will take a hint and do the same!

    We apologize for the delay in the release of this information and appreciate your cooperation and support.

    Please read this newsletter for the trip details.


    Ski you soon,


  • 31 Oct 2022 6:00 PM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    Hello and welcome to fall, 2022! I am sure that I’m not the only one reading this that is looking outside at the fall colors and beginning to daydream of powder days.

    I assure you that the Board has the same thought and will be speaking at our banquet on October 7 about our options. During that time, we will discuss, in greater detail, the trips and pricing. We will also be speaking about the challenges we are being faced with in planning our trips, namely Utah. One of the largest culprits is working with the airlines and attempting to get seats. We don’t have all those details yet and are going to hold off opening the trip a bit longer than usual. It is probable that registration will begin in November. Seeing as this will be a March trip, the delay still provides everyone ample time to plan. When we have the details, an eblast will commence and information will follow in subsequent newsletters!

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Ski you later,


GELANDESPRUNG MEANING ge·län·de·sprung a jump, usually over an obstacle, in which one plants both poles in the snow in advance of the skis, bends close to the ground, and propels oneself chiefly by the use of the poles.

Gelandesprung Ski Club Sponsors

Pine Mountain Ski Resort a Gelandesprung Ski Club Sponsor

Zeller's Ski and Sport a Gelandesprung Ski Club Sponsor

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