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President Message for June 2023

30 Jun 2023 6:00 PM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

June's Newsletter (Click here)

Happy June everyone.  Summer is here and it’s time to play golf, cycle, and think about next year’s skiing locations for all of us.  We are a ski & snowboard club so I’m starting with that.  Both the Western trip and Midwestern Trips are in the planning process at this time.  Ron Quick, Mike Bast and I just returned from the CMSC Trip Seminar.  We learned some good information for the benefit of our club.  I’ll discuss this next month.

We have chosen Big White as the destination for our next Western adventure.  Although we expect an early sign-up period, a lot of work remains before we will be ready.  You will likely see the information first on our website sometime in July.  See the early teaser information below.  I can tell you that our travel agent told me that we would love the location.

Scot Wederquist will lead the effort for the Midwest trip again this year.  The Midwest team will convene this month to work through the process to select and organize the trip.  We expect to have the trip planned later in the summer. 

Now, let’s get back to summer!  We have a good lineup of summer activities for members and non-members that would like to join us.   

The annual Wickham bike ride in Door County is coming up June 10 at 9:30 AM.  It is open to members and non-members.  You can review information for this in the newsletter.  You can also go to our website (Gelandesprung.org) and click on the “Events” button at the top of the page to review all upcoming events on the calendar or in the column to the left of the calendar.  Note that if you click on the Wickham 11th Annual Bike Ride, you will see details for the ride.

RIta’s ride on the Fox River Trail to Ledgestone Vineyard and Brewery is scheduled for July 19.  This is pure fun for a short ride to the vineyard and a great visit with friends.  You may click on the button in the calendar for that information.

Ron and Jackie’s ride will be scheduled later in the summer, likely in September.

We stopped having the picnic after years of low attendance during the pandemic.  If this is an event you would like to see again, let me know at president@gelandesprung.org

Have a great summer everyone!


GELANDESPRUNG MEANING ge·län·de·sprung a jump, usually over an obstacle, in which one plants both poles in the snow in advance of the skis, bends close to the ground, and propels oneself chiefly by the use of the poles.

Gelandesprung Ski Club Sponsors

Pine Mountain Ski Resort a Gelandesprung Ski Club Sponsor

Zeller's Ski and Sport a Gelandesprung Ski Club Sponsor

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