News from Gelandesprung Ski Club in Green Bay, WI

  • 30 Sep 2022 6:00 PM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    Hello G’sprungers and welcome to another edition of my monthly mindless dribble which I hope you enjoy!

    The nice thing about this time of year is the changing season and the fact that enough stuff is happening that I have worthwhile information to share. I’d like to start with a few updates about spring elections and end with the ski season.

    At our next Spring banquet, we will be electing President, Social Chair and Secretary. I am pleased to share that Tom Piette will run for President and a relatively new member, Mark Heintzkill, will be on the ballot as your new Social Chair. We are still seeking candidates for Secretary as Tom Piette will be on the ballot for President. We would like additional folks to run for each of these positions and ask that you raise your hand early so we don’t have to twist it at election time.

    As for the real reason we are here: skiing! Trips are coming together for both out-West and Midwest. There a few more details necessary to solidify before we have anything official for you. Our hope is the trip list is enough detail to block out your calendars and get your finances in order. Hopefully you won’t have to break a piggy bank or rob a 401k to join us.

    Last but not least, please submit your Fall Banquet RSVP so that we may plan properly. That is all for now.

    Thank you, gang!
    Ski you soon!

  • 30 Aug 2022 6:00 PM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    Well it is August and we all continue to stay busy in the off season. Just recently Rita Delveaux organized a social outing with biking to a local vineyard that was well attended. In a few weeks Ron and Jackie Quick will once again host a BBQ and bike ride. Our social chair is putting the final touches on the Annual Fall Banquet and will be looking for your RSVP here very soon! I am also pleased to say that our Midwest trip committee has some new ideas, providing you some additional variety to your season.

    Our Western trip committee is in the process of finalizing the trip costs for Utah next March. I’m very pleased with contributions each person has made in these endeavors these past few months and extend a sincere Thank You to everyone on and off the Board alike for everything you’re doing! Please continue to read this and upcoming issues closely for details as they become available.

    I also want to remind you that we are actively seeking individuals interested in serving on the Board next season whom will be voted in at the Spring Banquet. On the ballot is President, Social Chair and Secretary.

    It’s July 31, 2022 with a projected high of 85. It’s hard to say this yet I feel it is an appropriate closing for this month’s ramble! Think snow!

    Your leader in going downhill,

  • 31 Jul 2022 6:00 PM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    As usual, July isn’t a big month for noteworthy subject matter. However, there are a few items as the club has been staying active.

    Last month, The Wickham’s hosted another bike ride from their home which was well attended by our cyclists in the group. As is tradition the route was different this year which helps avoid monotony and keeps everyone returning for more.

    For those whom enjoy any combination of wines, beverages, live music, cycling and general time with friends then you should join Rita Delveaux. Rita, and I’m sure Gary, will be hosting a bike ride along the Fox River Trail to Ledgestone Winery. Live music will be at the venue and non-cyclists are welcome as well by meeting at the Winery. Just let Rita know your intentions soon so she knows how many to plan for. We have the details later in this issue.

    In August Ron and Jackie Quick will be hosting another bike ride from their home in Maribel and your invited to as well. Again, please read this issue for more details.

    Your timely RSVP for any event is requested especially when someone is preparing their home. Please be kind and let your host(s) know with at least a 2-week notice.

    Also noteworthy in the ski industry is that Indian head and Black Jack have been purchased by the same company that owns Lutsen and Granite Peak. News sources are saying to expect improvements to the hill’s infrastructure including new lifts which would be a much-needed upgrade in my own personal opinion.

    That’s all for now folks! Till next month, ski ya later!


  • 30 Jun 2022 6:00 AM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    Hello all!

    I hope that you all had a great Memorial Day weekend and are ready for the summer months. I see my lawn is ready for its first mow of the season.

    Like every year we have reached the point in the calendar where we don’t have a lot to share so this will be brief. The Board is working diligently on our next ski season. While we wait for those details I’d like to invite you to join us in any number of summer social activities being hosted around the area by our fellow members. Full details are included in this issue, providing a number of options to get out and socialize with your ski family.

    Have a great June!

  • 31 May 2022 6:00 AM | Gelandesprung Web Architect (Administrator)

    Good morning Gelandesprungers! It’s currently 6:46 am on April 30 and I’m out Turkey hunting. The action is slow so I figured why not crunch out this monthly dribble you have come to enjoy or destroy.

    The Board and I are pleased to welcome Phil Heldt as treasurer and Scott Wederquist as Vice President. Both have stepped into the role with enthusiasm and new ideas. Scott is already grabbing the proverbial bull by the horns and getting to work on mid- west trips. Meanwhile Phil twiddles his thumbs waiting on registrations to roll in. I guess he has it easy the next few months. I’m very pleased with their addition to the Board and their energy thus far. I would be amiss if I didn’t take a few moments to say one last time, thanks to Brian Mudd and Brian Fowle who have just “retired”. You lucky dogs!

    In the coming months we will begin collaborating on finding folks interested in running for President, Social and Secretary. Many of you know, I will be winding down my time as President and looking forward to retirement next spring as well. At that point it will be 10 years of selfless volunteering to help lead the organization. This is one role we will want to find a superb candidate for and hope to hear some of you express interest.

    Your social chair has created another full summer of events include annual favorites which we will be publishing in the newsletter. If you have ideas and are willing to put on an event, please let her know at

    Well, these turkeys won’t hunt themselves so I’m going to get out my box call and go back to work!

    Gobble! Gobble!


GELANDESPRUNG MEANING ge·län·de·sprung a jump, usually over an obstacle, in which one plants both poles in the snow in advance of the skis, bends close to the ground, and propels oneself chiefly by the use of the poles.

Gelandesprung Ski Club Sponsors

Pine Mountain Ski Resort a Gelandesprung Ski Club Sponsor

Zeller's Ski and Sport a Gelandesprung Ski Club Sponsor

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