January's Newsletter (click here)
Piette’s Post
Happy New Year everyone. We are at that time of year where we expect snow and cold temperatures. As I’m writing this, I am asking where is that weather? These warm temperatures and rain are damaging the finances of our Midwest Ski areas including our favorites: Granite Peak, Snow River, Brule, Powderhorn and others. I suggest that at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, we all go outside and shout “We want snow!!!”. Perhaps someone will hear that and change the weather pattern. It’s either that or we write to the National Weather Service and ask them to forecast colder weather and snowfall instead of this weather.
I am happy to say that we had a great turnout (55 people) for our Holiday Party on December 12. Everyone had a great time. People are definitely excited about our ski season. We have 70 people that plan to go to Big White in a few weeks, the signups for Searchmont have been strong and we expect more people to sign up during January and February.
IMPORTANT: For anyone on any of the winter trips this winter, you need to know that the pickup spot in Appleton has changed. Instead of a bus pickup at The Bar, The Northland Mall on Northland Avenue is the location. The pickup location will be in front of the old Shopko store between Kohls and Festival Foods. Park in the spaces closest to Northland Avenue.
The Green Bay pickup will continue to be at The Woods. For all Gelandesprung and Sly Fox trips, drive westward into the parking lot and turn left (south) as far as possible and turn left (east) to park in the area close to the homes.
The Big White trip is only a few weeks away. Details for travel information and information regarding Big White will be published and sent to all trippers no later than January 12. The Big White Pre-Trip Meeting will be at The Woods, 6:00 PM on January 23. The meeting will cover details of travel plans including any late changes. Additional information about Big White will be shared including information about the location of lodging, meeting spots, lifts, etc.
The trip to Searchmont is departing March 22. Adam Hanson (Trip Leader) and Frank Wickham (Assistant) are the leaders for this trip. This location is a longtime favorite. New owners have invested a lot of capital to establish a great lift system and no ski races are planned. Check details in the newsletter and join us!
Trip teams have put in substantial time to prepare for this season. Let’s get out and have fun!
Tom Piette